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Sungold Tomato Plant

Sungold Tomato Plant
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Price: $2.00/2 Pack
"The little orange ones"
An absolute favorite of our customers.
65 Days.
The rich-tasting, juicy cherry tomatoes of hybrid 'Sungold' are an intense golden orange, almost tangerine, that absolutely glows on the vines. Fruits are borne on long trusses all season so you'll have hundreds of these little jewel-toned fruits with a rich, but not too sweet, taste. Friends always pause as they sample one for the first time—then reach for more. 'Sungold' consistently earns a place on lists of best-tasting Tomatoes and remains a favorite even after the main-crop Tomatoes ripen. The indeterminate vines are vigorous, early to bear, with resistance to Fusarium Wilt and Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
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