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Buckwheat 50lb
Buckwheat 50lb
Search for more: Deer Creek
Price: $99.99/Bag
Buckwheat is a fast growing, annual, broadleaf grain. It establishes very quickly and can reach maturity in as little as 70 to 90 days. Buckwheat is most commonly planted alone as a cover crop for weed suppression or as a quick soil cover for short rotations. Popularly used as a smother crop, buckwheat’s rapid growth leaves little time or sunlight for warm-season annual weeds to grow under its broad and shady foliage. Buckwheat residue decomposes rapidly, releasing nutrients to the next crop very quickly. It is not frost tolerant and will terminate with the first frost. Additionally, Buckwheat is a favorite pollinator crop of honey bees. Honey made from buckwheat flowers creates a dark, robustly flavored honey known to have higher concentrations of anti-oxidant compounds. Wildlife also find the tender shoots quite tasty and whitetail deer will search it out.
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